Solflo BJJ

Unlimited Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
30 Days For Just $30

Start your journey to newfound confidence through the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu program at SOLFLO Jiu Jitsu! Through learning the art of jiu jitsu you will gain the skills and traits necessary to be successful at what you do!

30 Days for $30


Trying new things can be intimidating. That’s why we offer your first 30 days of jiu jitsu for just $30! For 30 days after sign-up, you can attend unlimited classes.  We encourage our new members to attend as many classes as possible during this period. This is because we are confident that you will love the fun, welcoming, and supportive environment Brazilian Jiu Jitsu brings!


Why Enroll In SOLFLO’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Program

1. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is truly effective self defense.

Jiu Jitsu is a martial arts system based on leverage and is designed so that a smaller, less athletic person can defeat a larger and stronger opponent. Furthermore, Jiu Jitsu allows one to control an attacker without doing damage or to control the level of damage. That’s why it is a very practical form of self defense for kids and young adults. The ability to defeat an aggressor without hurting them badly is a great skill.

2. Jiu Jitsu is one of the very best ways to get and stay in “fight fit” shape.

Most people don’t stay with their exercise routines because they get bored. This will NEVER happen with Jiu Jitsu! Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is working out with a purpose because you are always learning and refining your knowledge. Grappling is one of the most demanding forms of exercise so you burn calories and melt fat like butter. Everyone knows that fighters are the most fit people on the planet – just turn on the UFC and watch an MMA match. Jiu Jitsu will develop your speed, endurance, flexibility, and strength in ways you never imagined – it really is the secret “fountain of youth”

3. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu at SOLFLO Jiu Jitsu is a team, a community and a family.

One of the best aspects of training is the camaraderie that you get. Unlike regular gyms, learning martial arts at SOLFLO is very rewarding because of the friendships you make. You sweat together, push each other and learn from each other and the results are very powerful.

4. Jiu Jitsu is a lifetime sport. From age 4 to 84 everyone can enjoy and benefit from training Jiu Jitsu.

SOLFLO Jiu Jitsu is a safe, clean and family friendly atmosphere. Instructors assure that everyone takes care of each other on the mat so you can train hard and get in great shape without undue risk of injury. What other sport offers that?

5. Jiu Jitsu makes you better at everything else you do.

The confidence that you gain from training Jiu Jitsu spills over into every other part of your life. For kids it means the ability to stand up to bullies, get better grades or perform at a higher level in other sports. For women it means knowing you can defend yourself, having more ability to be open in your relationships or succeeding in business. For men, Jiu Jitsu makes you more athletic, look and feel better and helps you know that, when it really is necessary, you can protect your family or yourself.


About SOLFLO Jiu Jitsu

SOLFLO Jiu Jitsu provides a modern approach to the study of the martial arts. Our primary directives for student development are:

  • Positive Reflex Development beginning with the practice of martial arts. Students learn the process of intentionally creating powerful automatic responses, both physical and mental, through conscious repetition.
  • Awareness of the critical importance of non-violent communication.
  • Development of leadership qualities in order to effect positive change.
  • The pursuit of Self Development through the challenges of physical discipline and skill development.
  • Development of a deeper understanding of the roots of human conflict and the impact of the individual on the world.
  • True Self Defense through self awareness and highly refined sense of confidence and empathy.
  •  A safe, respectful, relaxed and supportive environment for students and staff in order to encourage optimal personal growth.
  • Physical fitness, health and vitality.

Classes For Everyone


Core BJJ
6:30pm – 7:30pm


Core BJJ
12:00pm – 1:00pm

Core BJJ
6:30pm – 7:30pm


6:30 – 7:30pm



Core BJJ
12:00pm – 1:00pm

Core BJJ
6:30pm – 7:30pm


Competition Class
6:30pm – 7:30pm


Randori/Open Mat
8:30pm – 10:00am

The discipline and focus gained through jiu jitsu will create positive results in all aspects of your life. The pursuit of self-development through the challenges of physical discipline and skill development will help you become your best self both on and off the mat. The aim is to provide a blueprint of a healthy, sustainable way of living for our students so you can, in turn, create success and prosperity for yourself, your families, and the world at large!

Contact Us To Learn More


1030 County Rd 15
Brighton, CO 80603