Solflo BJJ

Academy Overview


SOLFLO Jiu Jitsu provides a modern approach to the study of the martial arts. Our primary directives for student development are:

1. Positive Reflex Development beginning with the practice of martial arts.   Students learn the process of intentionally creating powerful automatic responses, both physical and mental, through conscious repetition.

2. Awareness of the critical importance of non-violent communication.

3. Development of leadership qualities in order to effect positive change.

4. The pursuit of Self Development through the challenges of physical discipline and skill development.

5. Development of a deeper understanding of the roots of human conflict and the impact of the individual on the world.

6. True Self Defense through self awareness and highly refined sense of confidence and empathy.

7. A safe, respectful, relaxed and supportive environment for students and staff in order to encourage optimal personal growth.

8. Physical fitness, health and vitality.


SOLFLO Jiu Jitsu provides education/training in the following areas:

Combat Arts

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & No-GI Jiu Jitsu

Our Programs follow a structured curriculum that allows the students to understand the building blocks of Jiu Jitsu. The curriculum rotates biweekly covering techniques and concepts relative to the position and allows for enough time to absorb the information. The two week timeline builds upon itself covering all types of learning models. 


SOLFLO Jiu Jitsu provides education/training in the following areas:

Combat Arts

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu & No-GI Jiu Jitsu

Our Programs follow a structured curriculum that allows the students to understand the building blocks of Jiu Jitsu. The curriculum rotates biweekly covering techniques and concepts relative to the position and allows for enough time to absorb the information. The two week timeline builds upon itself covering all types of learning models. 



Our primary concern is student safety. While we understand that real growth comes when one is outside the comfort zone, it’s more important to be consistent in training and to do that one must be healthy and injury free. Belts and Grading – we follow IBJJF rules for belt awards and competition. Legal Realities and Real World Application – we emphasize an educated awareness of the legalities of self defense and recognize that someone who has training in martial arts will be held to a higher standard in a court of law. Simultaneously constitutional right and duty to protect oneself, those in our charge and to assert ourselves as is prudent, reasonable and necessary. Teamwork and Respect – an atmosphere of teamwork and mutual respect among students is expected. Higher ranked students are expected to facilitate lower ranked students. It is expected that the student will also take the attitude of teamwork and respect out into the world as well. The teacher is the facilitator and guide for students and recognizes that each student must be his own teacher in the end.

Positive Change

The overarching SOLFLO ideal is to facilitate the personal development of individual who can go into the world and create a positive impact. The aim is to provide a blueprint of a healthy, sustainable way of living for our students so they can, in turn, create success and prosperity for themselves, their families and the world at large.